Things to know before heading to barbecue restaurant
Barbecue or barbeque is a type of cooking method that is getting very popular these days. There are many ways to cook barbecue food depends on their culture and methods. Mainly few styles of barbecue are smoking, roasting, braising and grilling. There are many restaurants in Dehradun that serve barbecue food as well as barbecue buffet. As a barbecue food expert in Dehradun, I advice people be aware what do you have at barbecue restaurant. There are few things that keep in mind when heading to barbecue restaurant. 1. Be aware of menu : Barbecue restaurant mainly has fixed menu, you can either go for nonveg or veg. Despite of this fact, few restaurants take care of their customer by including some different types of food except barbecue. In order to what you are going to have, you should be aware of menu before heading to restaurant as menu nowadays can easily be visible on restaurant website, it is very easy to ...